More than 350 people attended the Relay for Life of Greene County Saturday, celebrating all who are surviving cancer, remembering those who died of cancer, and raising funds to fight back against cancer.
As of the close of the Relay, $33,400 was raised for the American Cancer Society. That total will grow, as not all teams of the 18 teams have deposited their fundraising money yet. Also, the books won’t close on the Relay until the end of August, so that total can increase.
The total includes $6,039 raised at the silent auction, another record for that event. Sponsors added $10,600 and $5,000 in in-kind donations kept the expenses of the Relay minimal.

About 40 cancer survivors attended a special survivors reception and then participated in the touching Survivor Walk outside the Greene County Community Center.
A color guard from the American Legion lead the Survivor Walk after Greene County High School students Claire Teusch, Kenna Marquardt, Jacob Hansen, Aurthur Bardole, Nadia Fisher, Emily Heupel and Hannah Promes sang the National Anthem.

Close to 80 persons ran or walked in the Scrabble 5k run/walk. Participants collected Scrabble letters at stations along the way, and then won prizes based on the number of words they spelled with the letters. Zelda DeMoss was the grand prize winner of one night’s stay at Cobblestone Inn and free play at Wild Rose Jefferson.
The Greene County Singers opened and closed the entertainment. The afternoon included the premier performance of Town & Country Jazz Experience, a combined group of the Town & Country Band and the Greene County HS jazz band, dancers from The Rhythm Room and Prairie Blue Creative Arts, and Studio 3:16 Brass from Central Christian Church.
Adam Pedersen won $411.50 in the 50/50 cash raffle. He donated a portion of his winnings back to Relay for Life.
Peg Raney headed a team of 30 persons who planned the 2017 Relay for Life. Watch for further Relay for Life fundraisers. Donations can still be take to Peoples Trust and Savings Bank.